K pop - I DON'T WANNA CRY sung by Seventeen


K pop - I DON'T WANNA CRY sung by Seventeen


울고 싶지 않아 I don't want to cry

울다 to cry

...고 싶지 않아 I don't want to... (...is the infinitive stem of the verb or adjective) 


울고 싶지 않아 I don't want to cry

울다 to cry

...고 싶지 않아 I don't want to... (...is the infinitive stem of the verb or adjective) 


눈물은 많지만 울고 싶지 않아 I have a lot of tears but I don't want to cry

눈물 tears

은 subject marker

많다 to be many, to be much

...지만 but... (...is the infinitive stem of the verb or adjective) 

울다 to cry 

...고 싶지 않아 I don't want to... (...is the infinitive stem of the verb or adjective) 


난 괜찮아 (안 괜찮아) I am ok (I am not ok)

난 = 나는 I

괜찮아  ok, fine

안 괜찮아 I am not ok, I am not fine


너 보고 싶지 않아 (너무 보고 싶어) I don't miss you (I miss you a lot)

너 you

보다 to see, to watch

...고 싶지 않아 don't want to... (...is the infinitive stem of the verb or adjective) 

보고 싶지 않아 I don't want to see you = I don't miss you

너무 very

보고 싶어 I want to see you = I miss you


맘에 없는 말들로 With words that are not from my heart

맘 = 마음 mind

에 location marker meaning in

없다 not to exist, not to have, not to stay

없는 말 the words that don't exist 

들 plural marker

로 with , as


거짓말이라도 해야 돼 해야 돼 I should at least lie 

거짓말  a lie

이라도  at least

하다 to do

거짓말 하다 to lie

~야 돼 should ~ (~is the conjugated stem of the verb or adjective) 


생각처럼 맘이 말을 듣지 않으니까 Becuase my heart don't listen to me as I think

생각 thought

처럼 like, as

맘 = 마음  mind

이 subject marker

말을 듣다 to listen to one's words, to follow

...지 않다 don't (negation)

...(으)니까 because ... (...is the infinitive stem of the verb or adjective) 


돌아와 돌아와 돌아와 Come back come back come back

돌아와 come back


절반이 없는데 어떻게 하나로 살아 Half of me is gone and how do I live as one

절반 half

이 subject marker

없다 not to exist, not to have, not to stay

...는데 but... (...is the infinitive stem of the verb or adjective) 

어떻게 how

하나 one

로 as

살아 live


울고 싶지 않아 I don't want to cry

울다 to cry

...고 싶지 않아 I don't want to... (...is the infinitive stem of the verb or adjective) 


울고 싶지 않아 I don't want to cry

울다 to cry

...고 싶지 않아 I don't want to... (...is the infinitive stem of the verb or adjective) 


울고 싶지 않아  I don't want to cry

울다 to cry

...고 싶지 않아 I don't want to... (...is the infinitive stem of the verb or adjective) 


눈물은 많지만 울고 싶지 않아 울고 싶지 않아 I have a lot of tears but I don't want to cry

눈물 tears

은 subject marker

많다 to be many, to be much

...지만 but (...is the infinitive stem of the verb or adjective) 

울다 to cry

...고 싶지 않아 I don't want to... (...is the infinitive stem of the verb or adjective) 


우리 다시 볼 때 When we see each other again

우리 we

다시 again

보다 to see, to watch

...ㄹ 때 when ...


울고 싶지 않아 I don't want to cry

울다 to cry

...고 싶지 않아 I don't want to... (...is the infinitive stem of the verb or adjective)