K pop - 행복했던 날들이었다 sung by day6
Melanie - Thu, 08/08/2024 - 17:56
K pop - 행복했던 날들이었다 sung by day6
모든 게 아름다웠어 우울한 날들은 없었어
Everything was beautiful, there were no sad days
모든 게 = 모든 것이 everything
아름다웠어 it was beautiful
우울한 날들 depressing days
없었어 there were no
지금 돌이켜보면 우습기도 하지만
As I look back now, it's sometimes funny but
지금 now
돌이켜보다 to look back
...면 if...
우습다 to be funny
기도 하다 sometimes ...
...지만 but...
후회는 남기지 않았어 사랑했으니까 뭐 됐어
I didn't leave any regrets, because I loved you it is all right
후회 regret
남기다 to leave
...지 않았어 didn't ...
사랑했다 loved
...으니까 because...
뭐 됐어 it is ok, it is all right
첫째 날부터 마지막 날까지
From the first day till the last
첫째 날 first day
부터 from, since
마지막 날 last day
까지 until
아 행복했던 날들이었다
Ah, what happy days
행복했다 was happy
ㅆ던 날들 the days when ... (complete action that happened in the past)
이었다 there were
(꿈만 같았었지)
It was just like a dream
꿈 dream
만 just, only
같았었지 it was like
이제 더는 없겠지만
Now there won't be more (of you) but
이제 now
더 more
없다 don't exist
...겠 will
...지만 but
지난 날로 남겨야지
I'm going to leave them in the past
지난 날 past day
로 as
남기다 to leave
~야지 I should~