K pop - TELL ME sung by Wonder Girls
K pop - TELL ME sung by Wonder Girls
너도 날 좋아할 줄은 몰랐어
I didn't know that you would like me
...ㄹ 줄 몰랐어 I didn't know
꿈만 같아서 나
Because it feels like a dream I
꿈 dream
만 just, only
같아 looks like, feels like, seems like
서 because
내 자신을 자꾸 꼬집어 봐 너무나 좋아
Keep pinching my self Very delightful
내 자신 myself
자꾸 continuously
꼬집어 보다 to try pinching
니가 날 혹시 안 좋아할까봐.
By any chance thinking of that you won't like me
니가 you
혹시 by any chance, I wonder
...ㄹ까봐 thinking of ...
Tell me, tell me, tell, tell, tell, tell, tell, tell me
내가 필요하다 말해, 말해줘요
Tell me, tell me that you need me
내가 I
필요하다 to need
말해 say
말해 줘요 say it for me
Tell me, tell me, tell, tell, tell, tell, tell, tell me
자꾸만 듣고 싶어, 계속 내게 말해줘
I want to keep listening, continuously say it to me
자꾸 continuously
만 just, only
계속 continuously
내게 = 나에게 to me
말해 줘 say it for me
Tell me, tell me, tell, tell, tell, tell, tell, tell me
꿈이 아니라고 말해, 말해줘요
Tell me, tell me that it is not a dream
꿈 dream
아니 + 라고 말해 say that it is + not