K pop - Home Sweet Home sung by G-Dragon


K pop - Home Sweet Home sung by G-Dragon


50초부터  as of 50 seconds

Golden days are still alive 

외롭다는 말하지 마 Don't say that you are lonely

외롭다 to be lonely

외롭다 to be lonely + 는 that (relative pronoun in the present tense)

말하다 to speak, to say

...지 마 don't...


내가 있는 곳, 네가 있을 곳

The place where I am, the place where you will be

내가 I

있 stay/exist + 는 where (relative pronoun in the present tense) + 곳 the place = the place where I stay

네가 You

있 stay/exist + 을 where (relative pronoun in the future tense) + 곳 the place = the place where you will stay 



The place that I belong

Home sweet home
Home sick home

Well I said, I would be back
And I'd never let you go
Pick a petal off a flower
Daze you love me nope?
Well I said, I would be back
And I'd never let you go
Pick a petal off a flower
Do you love me or (stop!)


Winner, winner chicken killer, 삼계탕 dinner 

삼계탕 chicken soup


하나 둘 set down (one, two, step) 'fantastic' 한 팀워크

One two set down (one, two, step) 'fantastic' Team work

하나 one

둘 two

fantastic 한 팀워크   Fantastic Team work

팀워크 team work


Not mini, 많이 'More'

많이 a lot, many/much


Rock, scissors, paper, toast
This is how we do it, just do it, let's do it y'all

Work, work 월화수목금토- 일

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - and Sunday

월 monday

화 tuesday

수 wednesday

목 thursday

금 friday

토 saturday

일 sunday


They gon' wait til' I'm gone
So I came, I saw, I won
G just D-word is my bond

나 무대로 올라, coup d'e shit  

I jump onto the stage

나 I

무대 stage

로 towards

오르다 to climb, to go up, to jump up


단숨에 호흡곤란, hook catch this  

(The crowd goes) Shortness of breath in an instant

단숨에 in an instant, all at once

호흡 breathing

곤란 difficulty


아 '무제' 도 몰라? bull as shit.  

Ah, you don't know 'untitled'?

무제 untitled

도 even, also, although

몰라 don't know


Whatever, now or never

Golden days are still alive

외롭다는 말하지 마

Don't say that you are lonely

외롭다 to be lonely

외롭다 to be lonely + 는 that (relative pronoun in the present tense)

말하다 to say, to speak

...지 마 don't...


네가 있을 곳에 내가 있는 걸

The thing is that I am in the place where you will be

네가 You

있 stay/exist + 을 where (relative pronoun in the future tense) + 곳 place + 에 in/at (location marker)

내가 I

있는 걸 = 있는 것을 = 있 stay/exist + 는 것 ing + 을 direct object marker = staying/existing/being



The place that I belong

Home sweet home
Home sick home

Well I said, I would be back
And i'd never let you go
Pick a petal off a flower
Daze you love me nope?
Well I said, I would be back
And i'd never let you go
Pick a petal off a flower
Do you love me or (stop!)

We alike dead or alive, your life? Still life
It's so nice, I missed you a lot
You're welcome back home, wherever you are
We alike dead or alive, your life is still with me
Livin' good life, day or nights
The highlight, it's about time to 'rock-on'

Home sweet home
Home sick home

Well, I said, I would be back
And I'd never let you go
Pick a petal off a flower
Daze, you love me, nope?
Well, I said, I would be back
And I'd never let you go
Pick a petal off a flower
Do you love me or (Stop)