K pop - I AM YOU, YOU ARE ME sung by ZICO
YunJong - Mon, 12/05/2016 - 21:12
K pop - I AM YOU, YOU ARE ME sung by ZICO
tell me what you want from me
가장 예쁠 나이엔
while you are still young and pretty
실컷 사랑해 봐야 돼
You should love as much as you can
가장 the most
예쁘다 to be pretty
나이엔 = 나이에는 in the age of
예쁠 나이엔 in the age of being pretty
실컷 as much as
사랑해 보다 try to love
~야 돼 should ~ (~ is the conjugated stem)
네 사연 속에 나오는 쓰레기
your basterd ex boyfriend in your story
걔랑은 비교도 안 되게
can't even be competitive to me
내가 잘할게 왜냐면
I will treat you well because
네 = 너의 your
사연 story
속에 in
나오는 appearing
쓰레기 trash
걔 = 그 아이 the person (very informal way to refer to the person)
랑 with
비교 comparison
도 even
안 negation (don't or not)
되다 to become
...게 in order to ... (... is the infinitive stem of verb)
내가 I
잘 well
하다 to do
...ㄹ 게 will ...
왜냐면 = 왜냐하면 because
넌 나고 난 너야
You are me, I am you
넌 = 너는 You
나 I
고 and
난 = 나는 I
너 you
야 Be verb (casual way to say)
난 너고 넌 나야
I am you, you are me
난 = 나는 I
너 you
고 and
넌 = 너는 you
나 I
야 Be verb (casual way to say)
마음이 같다면
if we have the same mind
마음 mind
이 subject marker
같다 to be the same
...면 if ...
둘은 서로가 될 거야
We will be each other
둘 two
은 subject marker
서로 each other
가 supplementary subject marker
되다 to become
...ㄹ 거야 will...
넌 나고 난 너야
You are me, I am you
넌 = 너는 you
나 I
고 and
난 = 나는 I
너 you
야 Be verb (casual way to say)
그림 너무 좋아
You and I together look great
그림 picutre
너무 very
좋아 good
오그라든다는 말은
the word cheesy
누가 만든 걸까
I am wondering who made
오그라들다 something is to be shriken because of cheesiness
...ㄴ다는 말 the word ...
은 subject marker
누가 who
만들다 to make
...ㄴ 걸까 I am wondering ...