K pop - 사계 Four Seasons sung by Taeyeon


K pop - 사계 Four Seasons sung by Taeyeon


사계절이 와 그리고 또 떠나 Four seasons come and leave again

계절 season

사계절 four seasons

그리고 and

또 again, also

떠나요 leave 




내 겨울을 주고 또 여름도 주었던 온 세상이던 널 보낼래

I will leave you who used to be my world, who used to give my winter and summer, as well 

내 my

겨울 winter

주다 to give

..고 and...

여름 summer

도 also, as well

~ㅆ던 used to ~ (something happened in the past stops permanantly now) 

온 세상  all world

이다 to Be verb

널 = 너를 you 

...ㄹ래 I will..., I want to ..., I would like to...

보내다 to send  <-> 받다 to receive




정말 너를 사랑했을까? I wonder if I really love you.

정말 really

...ㄹ까? I wonder

사랑하다 to love

너를 = 널 you




언제야? 봄이던가? When is it? Was it spring?

언제 when

봄 spring

이던가? was it?




맞아 그때는 한참 서로가 셰익스피어의 연극 같은 마지막이 될 사랑 마주한 듯

That's right. Back then, as if we encounter the last love like Shakespear's play

마주하다 encounter

그때 back ten

는 subject marker

맞아 right

서로 each other

셰익스피어 Shakespear

연극 theatrical play

같다 to be the same

연극 같은  same as play, like a play

마지막 last

되다 to become

마지막이 될 사랑 the love that will become the last

..ㄴ 듯 as if...





둘밖에 안 보였나 봐 I guess we could only see two of us

밖에 except 

안 보이다 can't see

...나 봐 I guess... I assume...




다른 걸 좀 보고 파 I want to see other thing

다른 것을 = 다른 걸 other thing

보고 파 = 보고 싶어 I want to see




너만이 전부라 내 겨울을 주고 또 여름도 주었지

I gave you my winter and summer since you are all (my world)

너 you 

만 only, just

전부 all, whole




뜨겁고 차갑던 그 계절에In the season that was hot and cold

뜨겁다 to be hot

...고 and ...

차갑다 to be cold

던 used to ... (something happened in the past stops temporarily now)

계절 season

에 in (time marker)




정말 너를 사랑했을까? I wonder if I really loved you.







내가 너를 사랑했을까? I wonder if I loved you.

내가 I