How to Introduce yourself in Korean part 1 Writing practice
YunJong - Sat, 03/25/2017 - 21:26
Everybody is welcome to leave one's answers in Korean to the following questions.
Then I will correct your comment in Korean!
Answer to the following questions in Korean and leave them in the comment.
Then I will correct your Korean writing!
1. 당신은 어느 나라에서 왔어요? Where did you come from?
2. 당신은 어디에서 살아요? where do you live?
3. 당신의 도시에 놀러 가면 뭐를 보여 줄거예요? what will you show me if I go to your city to hang out?
4. 당신이 살고 있는 도시를 좋아해요? Do you like the city you are living in?
5. 도시를 좋아한다면 왜 좋아해요? 좋아하지 않으면 왜 안 좋아해요?
If you like your city why do you like it? If you don't like it why you don't like it?
6. 당신은 어떤 음식을 좋아해요? What kind of food do you like?
7. 취미가 뭐예요? What is your hobby?
8. 당신의 직업이 뭐예요? What is your profession?
1.저는 개나다에서 왔어요
1. 개나다 -> 캐나다
1. 저는 필리핀에서 왔어요. 2. 저는 필리핀
3. 난 -> 저는, 내 -> 제, 표시합니다 ->