Korean Grammar Linking Words
Korean Grammar Linking Words
- But/However 그런데 (or) 그러나 (or) 하지만
- 그런데, 그러나, 하지만 are the linking words meaning ‘but’ for two complete sentences. Therefore they are located between the two sentences.
그는 착해요. 그런데 (or) 그러나 (or) 하지만 가끔 이상해요.
(가끔 sometimes, 이상해요 weird)
He is nice. However, sometimes he is weird.
1-2. If you want to construct a full sentence from two separate sentences, use:
Option 1) 지만 : but
- …지만 : … is the stem of the infinitive verb or adjective
그는 착하지만 가끔 이상해요.
He is nice but sometimes he is weird.
그녀는 도서관에 가지만 도서관에서 책을 읽지 않아요.
She goes to the library but doesn’t read books at the library.
- ~ㅆ지만: past tense
콘서트에 가고 싶었는데 못 갔어요.
I wanted to go to the concert but I couldn’t go.
- ㄹ 거지만: future tene
교환학생으로 한국에 갈 거지만 학교를 졸업한 후에도 한국에서 살고 싶어요.
I will go to Korea as an exchange student but I want to live in Korea even after my graduation.
Option 2) ㄴ/은/운/는데 : But//By the way/And
1) …ㄴ데 : …is the stem of the infinitive adjective, which ends with a vowel
그는 착한데 가끔 이상해요.
He is nice but sometimes he is weird.
2) …은데 : …is the stem of the infinitive adjective, which ends with a consonant
길이 많은데 어디로 가야 해요?
There are a lot of streets and where should I go?
3) …는데 : ...is the stem of the infinitive general verb regardless of consonant ending or vowel ending
저는 먹는데 그는 먹지 않아요.
I eat it but he doesn’t eat it.
저는 과제를 하는데 같이 할래요?
I am doing my task, by the way, will you do it together?
4) …는데: 있다 and 없다 are combined with 는데
그 음식은 맛있는데 요리하기 어려워요.
The food is delicious but it is hard to cook.
저는 개가 없는데 그녀는 고양이가 있어요.
I don’t have a dog but she has a cat.
5) 인데: 이다 (Be verb) + ㄴ데 (but/by the way/and)
그는 학생인데 밤에 일해요.
He is a student and he works at night.
6) …는데 : ... is the infinitive stem that ends with the bottom consonant ㄹ and when the stem combines with 는데, the bottom consonant ㄹ is dropped
그는 남한에 사는데 그녀는 북한에 살아요.
He lives in South Korea but she lives in North Korea.
7) …고 싶은데: …고 싶다 (want to…) + 은데 (but/by the way/and)
콘서트에 가고 싶은데 돈이 없어요.
I want to go to the concert but I don’t have money.
8) 운데: If the infinitive stem ends with a ㅂ consonant and during its conjugation, 춥다 conjugates into 추워요, ㅂ is dropped and 운데 follows
겨울에는 추운데 여름에는 더워요.
It is cold in winter but it is hot during the summer.
9) ~ㅆ는데: past tense
그녀를 사랑했는데 떠나야 했어요.
I loved her but I had to leave.
10) …ㄹ건데: future tense
도서관에 갈 건데 저와 같이 갈래요?
I will go to the library, by the way, will you go with me together?
Exercise 1) Fill in the blank with the appropriate form.
Infinitive form |
Infinitive stem + ㄴ/는/은/운데 |
공부하다 to study |
공부하 I study but/by the way/and
가다 to go |
가 I go but/by the way/and
오다 to come |
오 I come but/by the way/and
보다 to watch to see |
보 I watch but/by the way/and
말하다 to speak |
말하 I speak but/by the way/and
만나다 to meet |
만나 I meet but/by the way/and
일하다 to work |
일하 I work but/by the way/and
요리하다 to cook |
요리하 I cook but/by the way/and
먹다 to eat |
먹 I eat but/by the way/and
마시다 to drink |
마시 I drink but/by the way/and
사다 to buy |
사 I buy but/by the way/and
입다 to wear |
입 I wear but/by the way/and
나쁘다 to be bad |
나 It is bad but/by the way/and
좋아하다 to like |
좋아하 I like it but/by the way/and
걷다 to walk |
걷 I walk but/by the way/and
듣다 to hear to listen |
듣 I listen but/by the way/and
알다 to know |
아 I know but/by the way/and · if the infinitive stem ends with a ㄹ consonant and a syllable starting with the ㄴconsonant follows, ㄹ is dropped |
싫어하다 to dislike |
싫어하 I hate it but/by the way/and
덥다 to be hot |
더 It is hot but/by the way/and · If the infinitive stem ends with a ㅂ consonant and during its conjugation, 덥다 conjugates into 더워요, ㅂ is dropped and 운데 follows |
춥다 to be cold |
추 It is cold but/by the way/and · If the infinitive stem ends with a ㅂ consonant and during its conjugation, 춥다 conjugates into 추워요, ㅂ is dropped and 운데 follows |
하다 to do |
하 I do it but/by the way/and |
좋다 to be good |
좋 It is good but/by the way/and
피곤하다 to be tired |
피곤 I am tired but/by the way/and
아프다 to be sick |
아 I am sick but/by the way/and
바쁘다 to be busy |
바 I am busy but/by the way/and
가고 싶다 to want go |
가고 싶 I want to go but/by the way/and
Exercise 2) Translate the sentence into English or vice versa and combine the two sentences into one sentence using the linking words: 지만, ㄴ/은/운데.
1. 저는 태권도를 좋아해요. 하지만 못해요. (태권도 Taekwondo, 못하다 be bad at)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
→ .
2. 저는 아프리카에 가고 싶어요. 그런데 시간이 없어서 못 가요.
(아프리카 Africa, 시간 time, ~서 because~)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
→ .
3. I want to watch a movie. But I can’t watch it. (영화 movie, …ㄹ 수 없어요 can’t…)
Making one sentence in Korean using a linking word)
→ .
4. I am hungry. But I can’t eat now. (배고프다 to be hungry, 먹다 to eat, 지금 now)
Making one sentence in Korean using a linking word)
→ .
5. I am sleepy. But I can’t sleep now. (졸리다 to be sleepy, 자다 to sleep)
Making one sentence in Korean using a linking word)
→ .
6. The food is delicious. But it is not good for the health. (건강에 좋다 to be good for health)
Making one sentence in Korean using a linking word)
→ .
7. Winter is cold. But you can do many sports related to winter.
(A와/과 관련된 related to A, 운동 sports, 겨울winter, …ㄹ 수 있어요 can…)
Making one sentence in Korean using a linking word)
→ .
8. I worked out a lot. But I didn’t lose my weight. (살이 빠지다 to lose weight)
Making one sentence in Korean using a linking word)
→ .
2-1. And 그리고
- 그리고is the linking word meaning ‘and’ for two complete sentences. Therefore 그리고 is located between the two sentences.
저는 햄버거를 먹었어요. 그리고 제 친구는 피자를 먹었어요.
I ate a hamburger. And my friend ate some pizza.
2-2. If you want to construct a full sentence from two separate sentences, use:
- …고 : and (present) (… is the stem of the infinitive verb or adjective)
Ex 1) 저는 피자를 먹고 그는 햄버거를 먹어요.
I eat pizza and he eats a hamburger.
Ex 2) 철수는 축구를 하고 민수는 야구를 해요.
Cheolsu plays soccer and Minsu plays baseball.
- ~ㅆ고 : and (past) (~ is the stem of the conjugated verb or adjective)
Ex 1) 저는 햄버거를 먹었고 제 친구는 피자를 먹었어요.
I ate a hamburger and my friend ate some pizza.
Ex 2) 저는 청소했고 빨래했고 숙제를 했어요.
I cleaned, did the laundry and did my homework.
- …ㄹ 거고 : and (future)
Ex 1) 저는 학교에 갈 거고 제 친구는 도서관에 갈 거예요.
I will go to school and my friend will go to the library.
Exercise 3) Translate the sentence into English or vice versa and combine the two sentences into one sentence using the linking word 고.
1. 그녀는 공부를 잘해요. 그리고 운동도 잘해요.
(잘해요 be good at, 운동 sport, 도 also)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
→ .
2. 어제 저녁으로 피자를 먹었어요. 그리고 콜라도 마셨어요.
(어제 yesterday, 저녁으로 for dinner, 피자 pizza, 콜라 coke, 마시다 to drink)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
→ .
3. 오늘 숙제를 했어요. 그리고 세탁도 했어요.
(오늘 today, 숙제 homework, 세탁 laundry)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
→ .
4. I like sunflowers. And I also like roses. (해바라기 sunflower, 장미꽃 rose, 도 also)
Making one sentence in Korean using the linking word)
→ .
5. I meet my family. And I also meet my friend. (가족 family)
Making one sentence in Korean using the linking word)
→ .
6. I will eat out. And he will go shopping. (외식하다 to eat out)
Making one sentence in Korean using the linking word)
→ .
7. He will study hard. And he will work hard, as well. (열심히 hard)
Making one sentence in Korean using the linking word)
→ .
3-1. Then 그러면 (or) 그럼
- 그러면 (or) 그럼 are the linking words meaning ‘then’ for two complete sentences. Therefore they are located between the two sentences.
규칙적으로 운동하세요. 그러면 (or) 그럼 건강해져요.
(운동하다 to work out, 규칙적으로 regularly, 건강해지다 to become healthy)
Work out regularly, please. Then you will become healthy.
3-2. If you want to construct a full sentence from two separate sentences, use:
- …면: if (… is the stem of the infinitive verb or adjective ending with a vowel)
- …으면: if (… is the stem of the infinitive verb or adjective ending with a consonant)
규칙적으로 운동하면 건강해져요.
If you work out regularly, you will become healthy.
- ~ㅆ으면 : past tense
어제 모임에 갔으면 그를 만났을 거예요.
If you went to the meeting yesterday, you would have met him.
- … ㄹ거면: future tense
할거면 제대로 할 거예요.
If I will do it, I will do it properly.
Exercise 4) Translate the sentence into English or vice versa and combine the two sentences into one sentence using the linking word 면.
1. 피곤해요? 그러면 쉬세요. (쉬다 to rest, 쉬세요 please take a rest)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
→ .
2. 그 남자를 알아요? 그러면 그에게 인사하세요. (그 남자 the man, 인사하다 to greet)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
→ .
3. 금요일만 시간이 괜찮아요? 그러면 금요일에 봐요.
(금요일 Friday, 시간이 괜찮다 to be available)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
→ .
4. Are you hungry? Then please eat the food.
(배고프다 to be hungry, 음식 food, 드세요 please eat)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
5. Are you tired? Then please drink some coffee. (마시세요 please drink)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
6. Did you work hard? Then please take a rest.
(열심히 hard, 일하다 to work, 쉬다 to take a rest)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
4-1. So/Because 그래서
- 그래서 is the linking word, meaning ‘so’ for the complete sentences. Therefore 그래서 is located between the two sentences.
- Explaining objective cause and effect or factual causation
- Stating a natural consequence: “So, naturally…” nuance
그는 시간이 없었어요. 그래서 숙제를 못 했어요. (시간 time, 숙제 homework)
He didn’t have time. So he couldn’t do his homework.
4-2. If you want to construct a full sentence from two separate sentences, use:
- ~서 : because (or) so (~ is the stem of the conjugated verb or adjective)
*** Causual phrase comes first and consequence phrase follows in a Korean sentence.
*** The syllable서 is combined with conjugated stem of a verb or an adjective and the form of present tense is the same as the forms of past and future tenses.
그는 시간이 없어서 숙제를 못 했어요.
Because he didn’t have time, he couldn’t do his homework.
Exercise 5) Translate the sentence into English or vice versa and combine the two sentences into one sentence using the linking word 서.
1. 그녀는 공부를 열심히 했어요. 그래서 시험에 합격했어요.
(시험에 합격하다 to pass the exam)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
→ .
2. 그는 어제 아팠어요. 그래서 학교에 못 갔어요.
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
→ .
3. 배불러요. 그래서 더 이상 못 먹겠어요. (더 이상 anymore)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
→ .
4. I am late. So I will arrive at school late.
(늦다 to be late, 늦게 late, 도착하다 to arrive)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
5. His place was dirty. So he cleaned it. (청소하다 to clean, 집 house/place)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
6. She has a toothache. So she will go to the dental clinic.
(치통이 있다 to have a toothache, 치과 dental clinic)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
5-1. Therefore/Thus/So 그러니까
- 그러니까is the linking word, meaning ‘therefore, thus, so’ for the complete sentences. Therefore 그러니까 is located between the two sentences.
- Explaining the subjective reason: “as you know…so… (or) since..” nuance
- Used with propositive (suggesting an action), or imperative (requesting an action)
- Synonyms: 그러므로, 따라서
길에 사람이 많아요. 그러니까 지하철을 탑시다.
(길 street, 지하철 subway, 타다 to take the transportation, 탑시다 let’s take the transportation)
The street is crowded with people. Therefore let’s take the subway.
5-2. If you want to construct a full sentence from two separate sentences, use:
*** Causual phrase comes first and consequence phrase follows in a Korean sentence.
1a) …니까: because/since (… is the stem of the infinitive verb or adjective that ends with a vowel)
한국에 가니까 기분이 좋아요!
I feel good since I go to Korea!
1b) …니까: because/since (…is the stem of the infinitive verb or adjective that ends with the consonant ㄹ, then ㄹ is dropped and 니까 is added to the stem)
한국에 사니까 좋아요!
Since I live in Korea, it is great!
2) ...으니까: because/since (…is the stem of te inrinitive verb or adjective that ends with a consonant)
사람이 많으니까 지하철을 탑시다.
Since there is a lot of people, let’s take a subway.
3) …으니까: because/since (…is the stem of the infinitive verb or adjective that ends with the ㄷ consonant when ㄷ changes to ㄹ during its conjugation, we use the conjugated stem form and 으니까 follows. When the bottom consonant ㄷ doesn’t chage during its conjucation, 으니까 follows the conjugated stem form.)
그들을 믿으니까 걱정하지 않아요. (믿다 – 믿어요)
I don’t worry because I trust them.
매일 걸으니까 기분이 좋아요. (걷다 – 걸어요)
Since I walk everyday I feel good.
4a) …으니까: because/since (…is the stem of the infinitive verb or adjective that ends with the ㅂ consonant when ㅂ is not dropped during conjugation, 으니까 follows the conjugated stem)
따뜻한 옷을 입으니까 춥지 않아요.
I am not cold because I am wearing warm clothes.
4b) …우니까: because/since (… is the stem of the infinitive verb or adjective that ends with the ㅂ consonant when ㅂ is dropped during conjugation, we use the conjugated stem form and 우니까 follows.)
더우니까 아이스크림을 먹고 싶어요.
Since it is hot, I want to eat some ice cream.
5) ~ㅆ으니까: because in past tense
제가 거기에 있었으니까 그 사건에 대해 알아요.
Since I was there, I know about the event.
6) …ㄹ 거니까: because in future tense
비가 올 거니까 우산을 가져 갈 거예요.
Since it will rain, I will bring an umbrella.
Exercise 6) Translate the sentence into English or vice versa and combine the two sentences into one sentence using the linking word 니까.
1. 그 책이 너무 어려워요. 그러니까 더 쉬운 책으로 공부하세요.
(그 책 the book, 너무 very, 어렵다 to be difficult, 더 more, 쉬운 책 easy book, 으로 through, by)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
→ .
2. 그 영화는 재미없는 것 같아요. 그러니까 안 볼 거예요.
(그 영화 the movie, 재미없다 to be boring, …는 것 같아요 It seems to…)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
→ .
3. 저는 늦었어요. 그러니까 택시를 타야 해요. (늦다 to be late, 택시 taxi, ~야 해요 need to~)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
→ .
4. I am tired. Therefore I should drink some coffee. (커피 coffee, 마시다 to drink)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
5. I want to become a doctor. Therefore I will study hard.
(되다 to become, 열심히 hard)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
6. I am tired. So I want to sleep early. (일찍 early, 자다 to sleep)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
7. I am hungry. So I want to eat some food. (음식 food, 먹다 to eat)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
8. 외로워요. 그래서 친구를 만나고 싶어요. (외로워요 lonely, 만나다 to see)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
→ .
9. 추워요. 그래서 따뜻한 옷을 입을 거예요.
(따뜻한 옷 warm clothes, 입다 to wear)
Making one sentence)
→ .
→ .
10. 졸려요. 그래서 집에 가고 싶어요. (졸리다 to be sleepy)
Making one sentence)
→ .
→ .
6-1. Although/Even so 그래도
오늘 운동하고 싶지 않아요. 그래도 운동하러 갈 거예요.
(운동하다 to work out, …고 싶지 않아요 don’t want to…, …러 가다 to go in order to …)
I don’t want to work out today. Although I will go work out.
6-2. If you want to construct a full sentence from two separate sentences, use:
- ~도: although/even so/even if (~ is the stem of the conjugated verb or adjective)
*** The syllable도 is combined with conjugated stem of a verb or an adjective and the form of present tense is the same as the forms of past and future tenses.
오늘 운동하고 싶지 않아도 운동하러 갈 거예요.
I will go work out even though I don’t want to work out today.
Exercise 7) Translate the sentence into English or vice versa and combine the two sentences into one sentence using the linking word 도.
1. 고기를 많이 먹으면 건강에 안 좋아요. 그래도 고기를 먹어야 힘이 나요.
(건강 health, 고기 meat, 힘이 나다 to have energy, …(으)면 if…, ~야 once~)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
→ .
2. 시간이 없어요. 그래도 한국어를 꼭 공부할 거예요. (꼭 for sure)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
→ .
3. 한국어는 어려워요. 그래도 재미있어요. (어렵다 to be difficult)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
→ .
4. I was tired today. Even so, it was a good day. (좋은 하루 good day)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
5. People were noisy. Even so, I didn’t say anything to them.
(사람들 people, 시끄럽다 to be noisy, 아무말도 안 했어요 didn’t say a words)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
6. I was hungry. Even so, I didn’t eat anything. (아무것도 anything)
Making one sentence in Korean)
→ .
Exercise1) ♪Listen carefully to the corresponding MP3 file at www.icanspeakkorean.com and fill in the blanks. You can click on the “listening” tab where you can find the chapter two audio files under the label “For Intermediate”.
1. 에어컨을 켰어요. 1) 시원하지 않았어요.
에어컨을 켰2) 시원하지 않았어요.
2. 제안해 주셔서 감사합니다. 1) 저는 괜찮습니다.
제안해 주셔서 감사하2) 저는 괜찮습니다.
3. 신촌역에서 지하철을 타세요. 1) 강남역에서 내리세요.
신촌역에서 지하철을 타시 2) 강남역에서 내리세요.
4. 한국어를 잘 하고 싶어요? 1) 한국어를 열심히 연습하세요.
한국어를 잘 하고 싶2) 열심히 연습하세요.
5. 오늘 너무 피곤해요. 1) 일찍 잘 거예요.
오늘 너무 피곤해 2) 일찍 잘 거예요.
Exercise 2) Choose the appropriate words from below to fill in the blanks.
The answer can be more than one.
그리고 and
그래서 so
그러니까 therefore
그래도 although
1. 어제 늦게 잤어요. ( ) 지금 너무 피곤해요. (어제 yesterday, 늦게 late)
2. 밖에 날씨가 추워요. ( ) 따뜻하게 입으세요.
(밖에 outside, 따뜻하게 warmly)
3. 음식이 상했어요. ( ) 버렸어요. (상하다 to be spoiled, 버리다 to throw away)
4. 오늘 일찍 일어났어요. ( ) 다시 자서 학교에 늦었어요.
(다시 again, 학교에 늦다 to be late for school)
5. 바지를 샀어요. ( ) 치마도 샀어요. (바지 pants, 치마 skirt, 사다 to buy)
6. 내일 바빠요? ( ) 다음에 만납시다. (다음에 next time, 만납시다 let’s meet)
7. 어제 도서관에 갔어요. ( ) 텔레비전을 못 봤어요.
(어제 yesterday, 도서관 library, 텔레비전 television, 못 봤어요 couldn’t watch)
8. 밖에 비가 오고 있어요. ( ) 우산이 없어요.
(밖에 outside, 우산 umbrella)
9. 한국어는 어려워요. ( ) 열심히 공부해야 해요.
(어렵다 to be difficult, 열심히 hard, 공부해야 해요 should study)
10. 접시가 뜨거워요. ( ) 조심하세요.
(접시 plate, 뜨겁다 to be hot, 조심하세요 please be careful)
Exercise 3) Translate the following sentences into Korean or vice versa.
1. This book is difficult but is interesting. (어렵다 difficult 재미있다 interesting)
→ .
2. That clothes are pretty but expensive. (예쁘다 pretty 비싸다 expensive)
→ .
3. The restaurant is famous but going there is difficult.
(…기 Adjective: It is Adjective to…, 식당 restaurant, 유명하다 famous)
→ .
4. The person is nice but sometimes weird. (가끔 sometimes, 이상하다 weird, strange)
→ .
5. I am sick but I need to eat breakfast. (~야 해요 = ~야 돼요 need to ~)
→ .
6. He is strange but hilarious. (웃기다 to be hilarious)
→ .
7. I like Seoul but I don’t live in Seoul.
→ .
8. Although I went to bed early last night, I couldn’t get up early this morning.
(어젯밤 last night, 오늘 아침 this morning, 자다 go to bed)
→ .
9. Even though I work out a lot, I don’t lose weight.
(살이 빠지다 to lose weight, 살이 안 빠지다 not to lose weight)
→ .
10. I want to see him more but since he is not here I feel bad.
(더 more, 아쉽다 to feel bad)
→ .
11. I already ate breakfast, but I want to eat something. (뭔가 something)
→ .
12. I like chocolate and my friend likes candies. (초콜릿 chocolate, 사탕 candies)
→ .
13. I am tired so I will drink coffee.
→ .
14. Korean is difficult but fun.
→ .
15. I moved to another city so I am excited.
(다른 도시 another city, 신나다 to be excited, 이사하다 to move)
→ .
16. 감기에 걸렸는데 지금은 괜찮아요. (감기에 걸리다 to catch a cold)
→ .
17. 요즘 아주 바쁘지만 이 일을 이번주까지 끝내야 해요.
(요즘 these days, 아주 very, 끝내다 to finish, 까지 until)
→ .
18. 주말에 부모님과 여행 갔는데 비가 왔어요. (여행 가다 to go traveling)
→ .
Exercise 4) Match A, B and C to make sentences.
A |
B |
C |
저는 서울을 좋아해요 |
1) 그리고 |
a) 부산을 좋아하지 않아요 |
2) 그래서 |
b) 서울에 살지 않아요. |
3) 하지만 |
c) 서울에 자주 가요. |
3) 하지만 |
d) 속초를 좋아해요. |
Exercise 5) Fill in the blank with one of the linking words: 고, 서, or 지만 while
combining it with the word in the parenthesis.
1. 제 거실에는 텔레비전이 소파도 있어요. (있다)
2. 제 집에 수영장이 정원이 없어요. (있다)
3. 이 동네에 편의 시설이 여기에 살고 싶어요. (많다)
4. 저는 한국 음식을 제 남편은 좋아하지 않아요. (좋아하다)
5. 저희 둘 다 등산을 산 근처에 살아요. (좋아하다)
6. 피곤하고 일해야 해요. (바쁘다)
7. 뉴욕은 좋아요. (비싸다)