Korean Lesson Notes 2022-07-19
Korean Lesson Notes
1. 피곤해요 tired
2. 바빠요 busy
3. 안 피곤해요 not tired
4. 안 바빠요 not busy
5. 알아요 know
6. 몰라요 don’t know
7. 생일 축하합니다 Happy birthday
8. 옷 clothes
9. 사람 person
10. 사랑 love
여러분, 바빠요?
안녕히 계세요 Good bye when the other person staying
안녕히 가세요 Good bye when the other person is leaving
또 봐요 see you again
감사합니다 = 고맙습니다 = 고마워요 Thank you
죄송합니다 = 미안합니다 I am sorry
잘 지내요? How are you?
맞아요 it is correct, right
알겠어요? = 알았어요? Do you understand?
네, 알겠어요. = 네, 알았어요 Yes, I understand
아니요, 모르겠어요. No, I don't understand
알아요 I know
몰라요 I don't know
저기요 excuse me there
여기요 excuse me here
물 주세요 water , please
김치 주세요 Kimchi, please
목neck 말라요 dry vs 목 말아요 [마라요]
진짜? vs 진짜요? really?
정말? Vs 정말요? Really?
여기요 excuse me, here
저기요 excuse me, there
잘 지내요? How are you? (잘 well. 지내다 to pass itself)
네, 잘 지내요.
맥주 안 좋아해요. 근데but 커피 좋아해요.
Words 단어
1. 괜찮아요 I am fine, I am ok
2. 착해요 I am nice
3. 아파요 I am sick, it hurts
4. 재미있어요 It is interesting, entertaining
5. 잘 지내요 I am doing well
6. 영화 movie
7. 맛있어요 delicious
8. 행복해요 happy
9. 공부해요 study
10. 먹어요 eat
Homework 숙제
1. Memorize the words
2. Review the subject markers in Chapter 4 : 은, 는
3. Chapter 3 : fill the table of rule 1 and rule 2
4. Read the dialogue in advance (optional)