Korean Lesson Notes 2022-04-26
YunJong - Tue, 04/26/2022 - 20:18
Korean Lesson Notes
감사합니다 [gamsahamnida] = 고맙습니다 [gomab’seumnida]
읽다 읽어요 [ 일거요]
없다 없어요 [ 업서요]
앉다 앉아요 [ 안자요]
않다 않아요 [ 아나요]
삶다 삶아요 [ 살마요]
여덟 넓다 [널다] 넓어요 [널버요]
Vocabulary list
1. 조금 a bit
2. 피곤해요 tired
3. 좋아요 good
4. 좋아해요 like
5. 또 봐요 see you again
6. 사랑해요 love
7. 바빠요 busy
8. 잘 지내요? How are you?
9. 알겠어요 I understand
10. 모르겠어요 I don’t understand
11. 괜찮아요 fine, ok
12. 많이 a lot
숙제 Homework
1. Memorize the 12 words from the vocabulary list
2. Chapter 2 : Mermorize the simple sentences (p. 37- p. 44)
3. Chapter 4 : Preview the subject markers: 은, 는 :I, you, he, she, we, they