K pop - 칼퇴근 Sung by 이이경
K pop - 칼퇴근 Sung by 이이경
퇴근퇴근퇴근퇴근 하고 싶어요 I want to get off work
퇴근하다 to get off work
...고 싶어요 want to...
야근야근야근 너무 싫어요 I hate overtime work
야근 overtime work
너무 very
싫어요 dislikable
칼퇴근을 너무너무 하고 싶어요 I really want to get off work on time
칼퇴근하다 to get off work on time
너무 very
...고 싶어요 want to...
내 시간들이 소중하니까 because my time is precious
내 my
시간들 time
이 subject marker
소중하다 to be precious
...니까 because...
세상이 다 빠르게 돌아가지만 All the world is turn around quickly
세상 world
이 subject marker
다 all
빠르게 quickly
돌아가다 to turn around
...지만 but...
내 시계는 죽었나 돌질 않네 Is my clock dead? it won't turn!
내 시계 my clock
는 subject marker
죽었다 is dead
...나 I wonder
돌 turn + 지를 않다 don't
...네 wow (surprisement)
짹깍짹깍 시계의 초침 소리는 Tik tok tik tok the sound of second hand of the clock
짹깍짹깍 tik tok tik tok
시계 clock
의 of
초침 second hand
소리 sound
는 subject marker
분명히 잘 들리는데 is heard very clearly
분명히 obviously
잘 well
들리다 to be heard
...는데 but...
정신없이 쉴 세 없이 crazily busy without taking a rest
정신없이 crazily busy
쉴 세 = 쉴 시간 time to rest
없이 without
일 했다 생각했는데 I thought I worked but
일했다 worked
...다(고) 생각했다 I thought that...
...는데 but...
이게 뭐야 what is this?
이게 this is
뭐야 what
점심시간도 멀었다 even lunch time is far
점심 시간 lunch time
도 also, even, though
멀었다 to be far
퇴근퇴근퇴근퇴근 하고 싶어요 I want to get off work
퇴근하다 to get off work
...고 싶어요 want to...
야근야근야근 너무 싫어요 I hate overtime work
야근 overtime work
너무 very
싫어요 dislikable
사장부장과장님 다 퇴근하세요 Boss, department boss, direct boss, everybody please get off work
사장님 boss
부장님 department boss
과장님 direct boss
다 all
퇴근하다 to get off work
세요 please
눈치보여요 I care your judgement about me for my reputation
눈치보이다 to care others' judgement about me for my reputation
퇴근퇴근퇴근퇴근 하고 싶어요 I want to get off work
퇴근하다 to get off work
...고 싶어요 want to...
야근야근야근 너무 싫어요 I hate overtime work
야근 overtime work
너무 very
싫어요 dislikable
칼퇴근을 너무너무 하고싶어요 I really want to get off work on time
칼퇴근하다 to get off work on time
너무 very
...고 싶어요 want to...
내 시간들이 소중하니까 because my time is precious
내 my
시간들 time
이 subject marker
소중하다 to be precious
...니까 because...