Korean Lesson Notes 2021-04-27
Korean Lesson Notes
좋아해요 : like
좋아하다 to like
black pink 좋아해요.
감사합니다 thank you
아니에요 not, you’re welcome
학hak’생saeng: student
학생 아니에요.
네, 피곤해요.
아니요, 안 피곤해요.
또 봐요. See you again
몰라요 I don’t know
알아요 I know
사랑해요 love you
좋아해요 like you/it
알았어요? = 알겠어요?
모르겠어요. I have no idea. I don’t understand.
저기요 Excuse me there.
여기요 Excuse me here.
아니요 no
Chapter 3. Conjugation Rules
Korean has an infinitive form for both verbs and adjectives. If you find “다” in a word, it is in the infinitive form because “다” is the infinitive marker.
먹다 to eat
하다 to do
공부하다 to study
말하다 to speak
예쁘다 to be pretty
건강하다 to be healthy
잘생겼다 to be handsome
친구 friends
왜요? Why?
Chapter 3
If you remove 다 then the rest of the word becomes a stem verb or a stem adjective.
Infinitive verbs and adjectives |
The Stems of the infinitive verbs and adjectives |
먹다 to eat |
먹 |
하다 to do |
하 |
공부하다 to study |
공부하 |
말하다 to speak |
말하 |
예쁘다 to be pretty |
예쁘 |
건강하다 to be healthy |
건강하 |
잘생겼다 to be handsome |
잘생겼 |
You will notice ellipses (…) used all throughout this book. These stand for the stems of the infinitive verbs and adjectives.
(~) stands for the conjugated stem of the verbs and adjectives. When we speak, we don’t use infinitive forms. We use conjugated forms instead.
If the infinitive verbs or adjectives are regularly conjugated to the polite form, we add 어요 or 아요 after the stem. Otherwise we have to memorize individual verbs and adjectives because they conjugate irregularly. For example, the verb 하다 (to do) conjugates as해요. Likewise오다 (to come) conjugates as 와요. Both 하다 and 오다 are examples of irregular verbs.
Rule 1) If the last syllable of the stem is in the CVC(C) form and contains one of the vowelsㅏ,ㅑ, ㅗ, or ㅛ, we add 아요 after the stem.
Infinitive verbs and adjectives |
Stem verbs and adjectives |
Polite form (present) |
같다 to be the same |
같 |
같아요 [가타요] |
놀다 to hang out,play,chill |
놀 |
놀아요 [노라요] |
닦다 to brush |
닦 |
닦아요 [다까요] |
맞다 to be right |
맞 |
맞아요 [마자요] |
살다 to live |
살 |
살아요 [사라요] |
앉다 to sit |
앉 |
앉아요 [안자요] |
좋다 to be good |
좋 |
좋아요 [조아요] |
낮다 to be low |
낮 |
낮아요 [나자요] |
팔다 to sell |
팔 |
팔아요 [파라요] |
짧다 to be short |
짧 |
짧아요 [짤바요] |
많다 to be a lot |
많 |
많아요 [마나요] |
높다 to be high |
높 |
높아요 [노파요] |
Rule 2) If the last syllable of the stem is in the CVC(C) form and contains one of the vowels ㅓ, ㅕ, ㅜ, ㅠ, ㅡ, or l, we add 어요 after the stem.
Infinitive verbs and adjectives |
Stem verbs and adjectives |
Polite form (present) |
맛있다 to be delicious |
맛있 |
맛있어요 |
만들다to make |
만들 |
만들어요 |
먹다to eat |
먹 |
먹어요 |
걸다to hang |
걸 |
걸어요 |
없다to not exist/stay/have |
없 |
없어요 |
읽다to read |
읽 |
읽어요 |
열다 to open |
열 |
열어요 |
있다to exist/stay/have |
있 |
있어요 < 계세요 잘well 있어요< 안녕히 계세요 |
잘생겼다to be handsome |
잘생겼 |
잘생겼어요 |
젊다to be young |
젊 |
젊어요 |
길다 to be long |
길 |
길어요 |
울다 to cry |
울 |
울어요 |
Rule 3) If a word contains the verb 하다, 하다 changes to 해요.
Infinitive verbs and adjectives |
Polite form (present) |
건강하다 to be healthy |
건강해요 |
공부하다 to study |
공부해요 |
말하다 to speak |
말해요 |
목욕하다 to take a bath |
목욕해요 |
불편하다 to be uncomfortable |
불편해요 |
사랑하다 to love |
사랑해요 |
샤워하다 to take a shower |
샤워해요 |
생각하다 to think |
생각해요 |
싫어하다 to hate |
싫어해요 |
일하다 to work |
일해요 |
좋아하다 to like |
좋아해요 |
착하다 to be nice (personality) |
착해요 |
편하다 to be comfortable |
편해요 |
따뜻하다 to be warm |
따뜻해요 |
노래하다 to sing |
노래해요 |
전화하다 to make a phone call |
전화해요 |
이상하다 to be strange |
이상해요 |
깨끗하다 to be clean |
깨끗해요 |
조용하다 to be quiet |
조용해요 |
꾸준하다 to be diligent |
꾸준해요 |
솔직하다 to be honest |
솔직해요 |
청소하다 to clean |
청소해요 |
구경하다 to look around |
구경해요 |
딱딱하다 to be hard |
딱딱해요 |
사용하다 to use |
사용해요 |
Homework 숙제
1. Memorize the next 5 sentences in Chapter 2
2. Do rule 4, 5, 6 in Chapter 3
3. Do Chapter 4 : Subject markers (p. 74 - p. 82)
4. Color Cards for Words -Add basic words onto color cards as follows
blue cards - verbs
yellow cards - nouns
green cards - adjectives
red cards - random such as question words or expressions.