Lesson notes 2018-02-13
YunJong - Thu, 02/15/2018 - 15:02
Homework 1- Review the Simple Sentences Presentation
(Download here)
Homework 2 - Preview the human body vocabulary
(몸 body)
Homework 3 - Write the conjugated form on the right side of each word on the piece of paper and submit it on Feb 20th.
1. 먹다 to eat ->
2. 듣다 to listen ->
3. 마시다 to drink ->
4. 착하다 to be nice ->
5. 공부하다 to study ->
6. 입다 to wear ->
7. 하다 to do ->
8. 덥다 to be hot ->
9. 춥다 to be cold ->
10. 고맙다 ->
11. 귀엽다 ->
12. 모르다 ->
13. 행복하다 ->
14. 바쁘다 ->
15. 피곤하다 ->
16. 아프다 ->
17. 슬프다 ->
18. 주다 ->
19. 춤추다 ->
20. 보다 ->
21. 오다 ->
22. 가다 ->
23. 만나다 ->
24. 자다 ->
25. 말하다 ->
26. 좋아하다 ->
27. 살다 ->
28. 놀다 ->
Homework reminder
1. Homeworks on the lecture note
2. Do the chapter 4 Subject part textbook exercises
3. Preview chapter 4 Direct object