Korean Lesson Notes 2022-02-01

Korean Lesson Notes 


1) 안녕하세 

2) 피곤해  ; Tired

피곤해요? Are you tired?

, 피곤해요.

아니요, 안 피곤해요.

3) 바빠 I am busy


, 바빠요.

아니요, 안 바빠요.

4)  Yes

5) 아니요 No

6) 안녕히 세요 Good bye

7) 안녕히 세요 Good bye




Exercise 3) Write the corresponding English sound for each word



1)  먹 = 멐meok  

2) 먿 = 멎 = 멑 = 멋 = 멌 = 멏 meot

3) 멉 = 멒 meop

4) ㄴ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅇ; 먼 meon, 멀 meol, 멈 meom, 멍 meong





1. 방 [bang] room; PC방


11. 갈 [gal]

2. 아기 [agi] baby

12. 감 [gam] persimmon

3. 시소 [shiso] seesaw

13. 갇 [gat]

4. 라디오 [radio]

14. 갑 [gap]

5. 샤워 [shyawar] shower

15. 갓 [gat]

6. 갈매기[galmaegi] seegull

16. 갖 [gat]

7. 쉬 [shwi]

17. 갗 [gat]

8. 강 [gang] river ; 한강

18. 갘 [gak]

9. 각 [gak] angle ; 삼각김밥

19. 같 [gat]

10. 간 [gan] liver

20. 갚 [gap]



1) 많다 [만다] to be many, to be much

2) 없다 [업다] not to have, not to exist, not to stay

3) 넓다 [널다] to be wide, to be spacious

4) 앉다 [안다] to sit

5) 읽다 [익다] to read/ 닭 [닥] chicken



안 영 하 세 요 [아녕하세요] vs. 안 녕 하 세 요 Hi


살 앙 해 요 [사랑해요] = 사 랑 해 요  love


좋 아 해 요 [조아해요] like


알 았 어 요 [아라써요] = 알 겠 어 요 [알게써요]

<-> 모르겠어요  [모르게써요]

조금 피곤해요.

괜 찮 아 요?


여 기 요

저 기 요

실례합니다 Excuse me


잘 지내요? How are you?

잘 지냈어요? (ㅆ어요 past tense form) How have you been?


모린 씨 Miss Maureen

와심 씨 Mr. Wassim

습니다, 입니다, 합니다 vs 요

반말 casual way to say


그the  다 음 next  뭐 예 요?

 vowel예요 = consonant이에요 am, are , is






Rule 1) If the last syllable of the stem is in the CVC(C) form and contains one of the vowels,, , or , we add 아요 after the stem.  


Infinitive verbs and adjectives

Stem verbs and adjectives

Polite form (present)

같다 to be the same

같아요 [가타요]

놀다 to play, hang out

놀아요 [노라요]

닦다 to brush

닦아요 [다까요]

맞다 to be right

맞아요 [마자요]

살다 to live

살아요 [사라요]

앉다 to sit

앉아요 [안자요]

좋다 to be good

좋아요 [조아요]

낮다 to be low

낮아요 [나자요]

팔다 to sell

팔아요 [파라요 ]

짧다 to be short

짧아요  [짤바요]

많다 to be a lot

많아요 [마나요]

높다 to be high

높아요 [노파요]



Rule 2) If the last syllable of the stem is in the CVC(C) form and contains one of the vowels , , , , , or l, we add 어요 after the stem.


Infinitive verbs and adjectives

Stem verbs and adjectives

Polite form (present)

맛있다 to be delicious


맛있어요 [마시써요]

만들다to make


만들어요  [만드러요]

먹다to eat

먹어요 [머거요]

걸다to hang

걸어요 [거러요]

없다to not exist/stay/have

없 [업]

없어요 [업서요]  

읽다to read

읽 [익]

읽어요 [일거요]

열다 to open

열어요 [여러요]

있다to exist/stay/have

있 it’

있어요 [이써요]

잘생겼다to be handsome


잘생겼어요 [잘생겨써요]

젊다to be young

젊 [점]

젊어요 [절머요]

길다 to be long

길어요 [기러요]

울다 to cry

울어요 [우러요]



1) 놀다 to play, to hang out

2) 살다 to live

3) 좋다 to be good

4) 많다 to be many, to be much

5) 있다 to exist, to have, to stay, there is/are

6) 없다 not to exist, not to have, not to stay, there is not/are not

7) 맛있다 to be delicious

8) 먹다 to eat

9) 읽다 to read

10) 조금 a bit


숙제 homework

1. Memorize the 10 words 

2. Memorize the simple sentences in Chapter 2 (p.41-44)

3. Chapter 3. Do Rule 3, 4  and 5

4. Chapter 4 Preview the Subject markers 은, 는