Korean Lesson Notes 2021-10-04
Korean Lesson Notes
1. 아버지 father
2. 어머니 mother
3. 안녕하세요 hi
4. 피곤해요 tired 피곤해요? 네, 피곤해요. 아니요, 안 피곤해요.
5. 바빠요 busy 바빠요? 네, 바빠요. 아니요, 안 바빠요.
6. 네 yes
7. 아니요 no
8. 안 피곤해요 I am not tired
9. 안 바빠요 I am not busy
10. 안녕히 주무세요 Good night
주무세요 sleep > 자요 sleep > 자 sleep
안녕히 주무세요 > 잘 well 자요 > 잘 자
Exercise 3) Write the corresponding English sound for each word
1. 방 bang : room |
11. 갈 gal |
2. 아기 agi: baby |
12. 감 gam : persimony |
3. 시소 shiso: see-saw |
13. 갇 gat’ |
4. 라디오 radio |
14. 갑 gap’ superior |
5. 샤워 shower |
15. 갓 gat’ : hat |
6. 갈매기 galmaegi: seagull |
16. 갖 gat’ |
7. 쉬 She |
17. 갗 gat’ |
8. 강 gang ; river |
18. 갘 gak’ |
9. 각 gak’ : angle 삼3각angle 김밥 |
19. 같 gat’ 같다 to be the same |
10. 간 liver |
20. 갚 gap’ |
Rule 1) If the last syllable of the stem is in the CVC(C) form and contains one of the vowelsㅏ,ㅑ, ㅗ, or ㅛ, we add 아요 after the stem.
Infinitive verbs and adjectives |
Stem verbs and adjectives |
Polite form (present) |
같다 to be the same |
같 |
같아요 |
놀다 to play, hang out |
놀 |
놀아요 |
닦다 to brush |
닦 |
닦아요 |
맞다 to be right |
맞 |
맞아요 |
살다 to live |
살 |
살아요 |
앉다 to sit |
앉 [안] |
앉아요 |
좋다 to be good |
좋 |
좋아요 |
낮다 to be low |
낮 |
낮아요 |
팔다 to sell |
팔 |
팔아요 |
짧다 to be short |
짧 [짤] |
짧아요 |
많다 to be a lot |
많 [만] |
많아요 |
높다 to be high |
높 |
높아요 |
Rule 2) If the last syllable of the stem is in the CVC(C) form and contains one of the vowels ㅓ, ㅕ, ㅜ, ㅠ, ㅡ, or l, we add 어요 after the stem. 삼각김밥 알아요? 몰라요.
Infinitive verbs and adjectives |
Stem verbs and adjectives |
Polite form (present) |
맛있다 to be delicious |
맛있 |
맛taste있어요exist |
만들다to make |
만들 |
만들어요 |
먹다to eat |
먹 |
먹어요 |
걸다to hang |
걸 |
걸어요 |
없다to not exist/stay/have |
없 [업] |
없어요 |
읽다to read |
읽 [익] |
읽어요 |
열다 to open |
열 |
열어요 |
있다to exist/stay/have |
있 |
있어요 |
잘생겼다to be handsome |
잘생겼 |
잘생겼어요 |
젊다to be young |
젊 [점] |
젊어요 |
길다 to be long |
길 |
길어요 |
울다 to cry |
울 |
울어요 |
1. 학생 student
2. 선생님 teacher
3. 놀아요 play, chill, hang out
4. 살아요 live
5. 좋아요 good
6. 많아요 many, much
7. 맛있어요 delicious
8. 먹어요 eat
9. 없어요 there is not, there aren't, don't have, don't stay, don't exist
10. 읽어요 read
11. 있어요 there is, there are, have, stay, exist
숙제 homework
1. Memorize the Vocabularies by making color index cards
2. Chapter 3. Rule 3, 4, 5
3. Chapter 4. Subject markers
4. Chapter 2. Memorize Other 10 Simple sentences : P. 37- P. 41
5. Making color index cards
Verbs – blue cards
Nouns – yellow cards
Adjectives – green cards
Random – red cards