Korean Lesson Notes 2021-01-19
Korean Lesson Notes
- Consonants
ㄱ [g] gloves
ㄲ [que] queue (strong voiceless sound of ㄱ)
ㅋ [k] cake
ㄴ [n] nice
ㄷ [d] design
ㄸ [th, dd] think, thank (pronounce without sticking out the tongue)
ㅌ [t] talent
ㄹ [라(r), 갈(l)] Ramen, love
ㅁ [m] mother
ㅂ [b] boy
ㅃ [bb] the mixed sound of ㅂ [b] and ㅍ [p]
ㅍ [p] pie (Korean doesn’t have f sound)
ㅅ [s] street
ㅆ [S] strong voiceless sound of ㅅ
ㅇ [아ϕ (silent), 강 η (ng)] aunt, young
ㅈ [j] job
ㅉ [jj/tzh] the mixed sound of ㅈ [j] and ㅊ [ch]
ㅊ [ch] church
ㅎ [h] house
*** Korean doesn’t have the [f] [v] [z] [x] and [th] sounds.
2) Vowels
♪Listen to the alphabet at www.icanspeakkorean.com.
ㅏ [a] palm
ㅑ [ya] yacht
ㅓ [uh, eo] a cat
ㅕ [yuh, yeo] yawn
ㅗ [o] oil
ㅛ [yo] yo-yo
ㅜ [u] cookie
ㅠ [yu] you
ㅡ [eu] written
ㅣ [i] feel
ㅐ [ae] command
ㅔ [e] commend
ㅒ [yae] yay
ㅖ [ye] yes
ㅘ [wa] combination of ㅗ + ㅏ
pronounce ㅗ +ㅏat the same time
ㅟ [wi] combination of ㅜ + ㅣ
pronounce ㅜ + ㅣat the same time
ㅝ [weo] war
combination of ㅜ + ㅓ
pronounce ㅜ + ㅓat the same time
ㅚ [wae] wedding
combination of ㅗ + ㅣ
*but it is pronounced as [wae]
ㅙ [wae] wedding
combination of ㅗ + ㅐ
pronounce ㅗ + ㅐat the same time
ㅞ [wae] wedding
combination of ㅜ + ㅔ
pronounce ㅜ + ㅔat the same time
ㅢ [eui] combination of ㅡ + ㅣ
pronounce ㅡ + ㅣat the same time
- ㅐ[command] = ㅔ[commend] are pronounced almost the same.
- ㅒ[yay] =ㅖ[yes] are pronounced almost the same.
- ㅚ = ㅙ = ㅞ [wedding] are pronounced the same.
Let’s practice the consonants
Write the consonants five times in the table
ㄱ [g] |
ㄲ [que] |
ㅋ [k] |
ㄴ [n] |
ㄷ [d] |
ㄸ [dd] |
ㅌ [t] |
ㄹ [r/l] |
ㅁ [m] |
ㅂ [b] |
ㅃ [bb] |
ㅍ [p] |
ㅅ [s] |
ㅆ [S] |
ㅇ [ϕ/η] |
ㅈ [j] |
ㅉ [jj/tzh] |
ㅊ [ch] |
ㅎ [h] |
Let’s practice the vowels
Write the vowles five times in the table
ㅏ[a] |
ㅑ[ya] |
ㅓ[eo] |
ㅕ[yeo] |
ㅗ[o] |
ㅛ[yo] |
ㅜ[u] |
ㅠ[you] |
ㅡ[eu] |
ㅣ[i] |
ㅐ[ae] |
ㅔ[e] |
ㅒ[yae] |
ㅖ[ye] |
ㅘ[wa] |
ㅟ[wi] |
ㅝ[war] |
ㅚ[wae] |
ㅙ[wae] |
ㅞ[wae] |
ㅢ[eui] |
The Position of Consonants and Vowels
Vowels and consonants can’t stand alone and have to be combined. Consonants always come first.
1) CV combination (Basic form)
A CV combination is the most basic composition consisting of a consonant and a vowel. The position of a consonant depends on the vowel used. If a vowel has a vertical shape, a consonant is situated on the left side of the vowel. If a vowel has a horizontal shape, a consonant is situated above the vowel.
- Vowels: Vertical shape ② Vowels: Horizontal shape
baby milk
Let’s practice the CV combination form
Write the CV combination form five times in the table
가[ga] |
야[ya] |
너[neo] |
혀[hyeo] |
소[so] |
요[dyo] |
무[mu] |
유[yu] |
그[geu] |
비[bi] |
개[gae] |
네[ne] |
얘[yae] |
예[ye] |
와[wa] |
귀[gwi] |
뭐[mwar] |
외[wae] |
왜[wae] |
훼[hwae] |
의[eui] |