차돌박이 덮밥 Chadolbagi deopbap


차돌박이 덮밥

차돌박이: certain part of beef

덮밥: 덮다 to cover + 밥 rice = covering rice


차돌박이 덮밥을 먹었어요.  I ate Chadolbagi deopbap.

을 direct object marker 

먹었어요 ate 


김치도 먹었어요. I ate Kimchi, too.

김치 Kimchi

도 also, too


당신은 뭐를 먹었어요? What did you eat?

당신 you

은 subject marker

뭐 what

를 direct object marker

먹었어요 ate

Korean food


subidentity9's picture

Can we please have a lesson about smoked duck breast? That is my favorite Korean food. In a good Korean restaurant they will grill it at your table. Then you wrap it in a Romaine lettuce leaf with some other goodies. It is like a Korean taco. It's the best dish I've ever had.

Sounds great! I will have a look on smoked duck breast! Thank you for your comment :)