K pop - 겨울 아이 Winter child Sung by 수지


K pop - 겨울 아이 Winter child Sung by 수지


겨울에 태어난 아름다운 당신은 Beautiful you who were born in winter

겨울 winter

에 in (time marker)

태어나다 to be born

아름답다 to be beautiful

당신  you

은 subject marker


눈처럼 깨끗한 나만의 당신 You of only mine who is clean like snow

눈 snow

처럼 like

깨끗하다 to be clean

나 I 

만 only, just

의  of (possessive marker)


겨울에 태어난 사랑스러운 당신은 Lovely you who were born in winter

겨울에 in winter

사랑스럽다 to be lovely


눈처럼 맑은 나만의 당신 You of only mine who is pure like snow

눈 snow

처럼 like

맑다 to be pure, to be clear, to be clean


하지만 봄 여름과 가을 겨울 But spring, summer and fall, winter

하지만 but

봄 spring 

여름 summer

과 and, with (noun connector)

가을 fall

겨울 winter



언제나 맑고 깨끗해 Always pure and clean

언제나 always, whenever

맑다 to be pure, to be clean, to be clear

...고 and... (verb or adjectvie connector)

깨끗하다 to be clean 


겨울에 태어난 아름다운 당신은 Beautiful you who were born in winter


눈처럼 깨끗한 나만의 당신 You of only mine who is clean like snow


하지만 봄 여름과 가을 겨울 But spring, summer and fall, winter

언제나 맑고 깨끗해 Always pure and clean


겨울에 태어난 아름다운 당신은 Beautiful you who were born in winter


눈처럼 깨끗한 나만의 당신 You of only mine who is clean like snow


생일 축하합니다! Happy birthday to you! 생일 축하합니다! Happy birthday to you! 


생일 축하합니다! Happy birthday to you! 당신의 생일을 Your birthday


Happy birthday to you!  Happy birthday to you!  Happy birthday to you!  

Happy birthday to you!  Happy birthday to you!  Happy birthday to you! 



겨울에 태어난 아름다운 당신은 Beautiful you who were born in winter

눈처럼 깨끗한 나만의 당신 You of only mine who is clean like snow